Art Wholesale

Contemporary Art Paintings & Prints at Wholesale Dealer Pricing

WANTED: Business Partner for contemporary large-scale art paintings at wholesale dealer pricing.

Fact: more people are buying ART today than ever before. A Unique Business Opportunity.

Paintings at wholesale dealer pricing

We have more than 20 years of experience. Wholesale Fine Art at affordable prices.

Art: Wholesale to trade. Contemporary large-scale art paintings at wholesale dealer pricing.

Wholesale art source of art4berlin GALLERY. Buy art4berlin’s contemporary modern XXL art paintings. Handmade in Berlin at affordable prices.

Wholesale art source of art4berlin Gallery

art4berlin is the wholesale art source for art dealers & consultants, prestigious interior design firms, and upscale furniture showrooms throughout the U.S., England and Europe.

XXL Art Paintings at Wholesale Dealer Pricing for Retail Storefront, Art Gallery, Art Dealer and Art Consultant, Interior Design Firm, Architects, Developers, Furniture Showroom, Art Museum.

Contemporary murals, Berlin art from abstract to figurative, from loud colorful and elegantly understated.

Young artists at wholesale dealer prices

The gallery art4berlin provides large-format paintings at a special price!

Large scale modern Canvas Art at wholesale dealer pricing.

The gallery shows contemporary paintings by young, unknown artists from the Berlin art scene.

art4berlin is the wholesale art source for art dealers

Young artists from Berlin. Modern art for home and office. Affordable large scale modern Art For Sale at affordable prices. The wholesale art source of art4berlin Gallery.

We focus on serving the trade; specialized buyers, interior designers, gallery owners, architects, and other professionals who select, specify, or resell quality art.

Please contact us by email to learn about our pricing.  EMAIL

Affordable large scale modern Art For Sale

High quality of large scale Modern Art and an interesting pricing make it easy for the customer to purchase several pictures together.