An art dealer, offering well-priced paintings, has finally found its way
into the elitist world of art and is successfully competing with established galleries.
The concept? It’s unique! art4berlin GALLERY does not offer mass-produced art but medium and large-sized
canvases of high quality and fine workmanship.
The innovative sales concept is
based on one basic principle: to make art affordable and at the same time not
to dispense with quality, authenticity and beauty in terms of art. Finally art
becomes graspable, comprehendible and above
all affordable.
art4berlin GALLERY appeals to
customers who enjoy having an original piece of art and not just a poster in
their apartment. Companies can noticeably improve their prestige for original
art creates a good image, supports communication and adds to the companies
publicity. Unique specimens – but not at any price.
The gallery’s breaks new
grounds in pricing. Buying a fair number of paintings from young, contemporary
artists enables the gallery and the artists as well to do without high margins.
That’s why medium-sized and large-sized paintings are offered for not more than
€ 990,-. Reasonable prices, high
quality and an interesting rebate system make it easy for the customer to
purchase several pictures together.
But it’s not only the customer who profits from this new novel art
concept. Young talented artists are given a exhibition room. Furthermore, they
profit from guaranteed sales to art4berlin
The gallery sets much store by large variety of pictures and
trends, from abstract to photorealistic, and always directly from the artist.
Art that everyone can enjoy, art that catches the zeitgeist.
So art4berlin GALLERY supports
the artists’ work, discovers new talents and brings art and everyday life
closer together.